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2024 Chemistry Testing Services & Price List

Appearance $70
Record the condition of product formula upon receipt and/or over time
Container Closure Integrity $175
Determine the integrity of the container closure system by dye intrusion technique. 2 containers required.
Identity by Chemical Reaction Quote
Confirm a chemical substance by method of a chemical in API.r
Identity by UV/Vis Quote
Determines the identity of an API powder / liquid using Ultraviolet and Visible wavelengths of light.
pH $70
Determines the pH of an API or finished product.
Specific Gravity S100
Determines the density of a fluid, allowing for formulation conversions between weight and volume
Potency (UHPLC) S240
Determines the concentration of active(s) in finished product. Determines the stability of a finished product at various time intervals.
Potency (LC-MS) $240
Determines the concentration of active(s) in finished product. Determines the stability of a finished product at various time intervals.
Potency (Protein / Peptide) $260
Determines the concentration of active(s) in finished product. Determines the stability of a finished product at various time intervals.
Potency (Desiccated Thyroid) $285
Determines the concentration of active(s) in finished product. Determines the stability of a finished product at various time intervals.
Potency Over Time Quote
Determines the concentration of active(s) in finished product. Determines the stability of a finished product at various time intervals.
Potency (Titration) $195
Determines the concentration of active(s) in finished product. Determines the stability of a finished product at various time intervals.
Stability Indicating Assay - Method Development / Validation (Phase 1) Quote
Develops and validates Stability Indicating Assay (SIA) methods to establish BUD's, per <795> <797>
Stability Indicating Assay - Beyond Use Dating (Phase 2) Quote
Using the SIA method developed in Phase 1 (SIA), study will establish the Beyond Use Date (BUD)
Uniformity of Dosage Units Starting at $1950
Tests for consistency of each dosage unit. Reported based on testing of 10 dosage units, per <905>.